Email Marketing - Digital Power
Email marketing is an excellent option if you’re looking for a cost-effective way to reach your target audience. With direct mail marketing, you can send personalized messages directly to potential customers and clients, allowing you to build relationships with them. You can also track the effectiveness of your campaigns and make adjustments as needed to ensure you’re getting the best results.
Furthermore, direct mail marketing allows you to capture your website browsers showing intent, so you can focus your efforts on those most likely to respond and not hope a random list of addresses will pay off. Tracking scripts allow you to track the performance and how many reached your thank you page or bought a product. Best of all, direct mail is much more cost-effective than other forms of marketing, such as television, radio, and even some PPC ads. So if you’re looking for an efficient way to reach your customers, email marketing is worth adding to your marketing strategy.
Amount Brands Spend Annually Driving Website Traffic
of site traffic remains unknown due to increased privacy measures
of viewable ads are able to be recalled by a person. Due to over saturation of display and video ads
of individual digital impressions are viewable, and this continues to decrease with GA4 and the increase in privacy
Is the amount Direct Mails Response rate is higher than digital alone
Higher ad recall rate with direct mail, and a postcard can be saved and put on a fridge
Email Marketing Costs
We like to be open and upfront with our fees. We offer a flat rate and per postcard that is sent.